Big Country Info Big Country Info

STUART REPLIES:- From Kevin Wright (Membership No 003299). Are there any plans for a new live video including behind the scenes footage? Stuart: Not at this moment in time. We haven't thought about a new live video yet. Possibly towards the end of the year if things go OK this year. From Kevin Wright (Membership No 003299). Stuart, do you remember a concert when B.C. stood in for Paul Young because he was ill with a throat infection? Anyway, it was a time when your guitar broke - how did you feel at the time and was the guitar retired after the gig? Stuart: Yes I do. It was at Wembley Stadium supporting Elton John and it wasn't the guitar that broke, it was actually a lead, just one single lead that didn't work and it was a bit of a pain in the neck to be quite truthful, standing on stage in front of all those people at Wembley and having a guitar not working, we got it fixed but The guitar wasn't retired after the gig. I've still got it at home. From Kevin Wright (Membership No 003299). Stuart, what is your favourite guitar riff / solo? Stuart: Does this mean one of mine or someone else's? Jan: Oh, I guess yours. Stuart: My favourite riff? Shit, I'm trying to think..... oh, various things. I like them all you know, I write them because I like them but some of the songs on the new album have got some great guitar riffs and they're kinda my favourite ones just now:- the ones from 'Alone", and "A Long Way Home" and some of the little 'B' benders and stuff and "Ships". Jan: As you say, you don't write anything you don't like, anyway. Stuart: You try not to it's only afterwards you think 'Oh shit, what did I do that for? From Kevin Wright (Membership No 003299). How does it affect you when people jump onto the stage and drag you off the microphone? Stuart: I actually don't really mind that, what I do mind is if they jump all over my foot pedals and a lot of them mess up your guitar sets - that's a pain in the arse. I remember one time in Montreal when a girl jumped on the stage and she jumped right into the microphone and knocked it straight into my teeth and I had to go and get a filling in my front teeth and stuff, that was really bad so I don't mind people being on the stage too much it's just when they start fucking the gear up that it becomes a drag. From Kevin Wright (Membership No 003299). What is your favourite album of 1992? Stuart: Just let me think Oh yeah, the Tom Cochraine album, it's called Mad World. From Kevin Wright (Membership No 003299). During (I think) The Seer Tour, I read in one of the tabloids that Big Country swapped the Big Dish's backing tapes for a heavy breathing XXX soundtrack - is this just vicious rumour or is there any truth in it? If there is some truth in it then, come on, tell all. Stuart: This is actually true. It wasn't the backing tapes, we just played a movie sound track back through the monitors on the last gig on the tour. That is very true, yes.' Jan: Did they take it well? Stuart: Yeah, they did, yeah (laughs) - they had no choice. From Kevin Wright (Membership No 003299). Where in Australia were the videos for "King Of Emotion" and "Broken Heart" filmed? Was it unbearably hot? Stuart: These were filmed in the western desert in Australia, actually up north just outside a place called Wittenoom. Jan: I bet it was bloody hot up there then, wasn't it? Stuart: No it wasn't actually too bad at that time of year because it was just at the end of their winter. So, it was OK. It was good, I really liked it especially in: Perth - that was a great city. (Small chat about Australia ......) From Daniel Arkin (Membership No 003653). Is it true that Stuart and Bruce, prior to being joined by Tony and Mark, released an album called "Harvest Home" im 1982? If it is true, have you any idea where I might acquire a copy? Stuart: No, we never released an album called "Harvest Home" in 1982. That's completely false.