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will not be made aware of news and could miss out on what is occuring. Overseas members should send International Reply Coupons - foreign stamps are useless to me so, don't waste your money. By the way, I've been meaning to say this for ages - THANK YOU TO THOSE WHO SEND IN SELF-SEAL ENVELOPES - have you ever sat and licked and stuck a couple of hundred envelopes at a sitting? I've done just that several times recently and my mouth ends up tasting like the bottom of a bird cage so, to muchly for the self-seals, it really helps! Cheers. May 1995 WHAT THE BAND SAY: Here are a few thoughts from Stuart and Bruce on a couple of the new tracks:- 'One In A Million' - Stuart 'This is about liking people for characteristics they might not recognise in themselves; it's about being drawn to people for the less obvious reasons.' Bruce "We wrote this one last summer while we were demoing at The House In The Woods - a studio with beautiful gardens in Surrey." 'You Dreamer' - Stuart This one's inspired by those people who always make plans but whose plans just never seem to work out - the ones who never get a break. You could say it's about always being in the shadowed area of the garden instead of the sunny bit in the middle.' 'Send You' - Stuart wanted to write something that had a sort of 70's sounding, straightforward structure to it." Bruce "This one's our Mick Ronson tribute.' 'God's Great Mistake' - Stuart wrote this one while I was living in America; it's about the natural tendency for the human race to self destruct. We seem much better at all the bad stuff - it seems to come more easily to us than doing good things." Bruce 'We wrote this one last summer while we were demoing t the House In The Woods - a studio with beautiful gardens in Surrey.'